During December we completed 3 weeks of guided Art lessons with Galway based Artist Dee Deegan of https://www.galwayartacademy.com/. This art project was organised by the Creative Schools committee. We definitely developed our creativity during our sessions. The inspiration was the jewellery worn by the Celts, Dee zoomed onto our Interactive Board and Ipads and spoke about the Celts and the Celtic symbolism and the Ogham writing which can be seen on jewellery in Ireland today. We collected toilet rolls, cereal boxes and Dee posted us a selection of art supplies for our creations. We did a of discussion, thinking, planning and designing before we came to make our art pieces. The first week we made gold pendants which we wore into the playground with great pride. The second week we created arm bands and we finished with lunulas on the final week. We really enjoyed our Celtic Art lessons and learned lots!